Fer García is a composer, guitarist and producer with a career that extends from the mid-90s to the present. During all these years, he has had the opportunity to collaborate with various artists, such as Diego Vasallo, The Byrons, The Young Wait and ILL, leaving his mark on numerous musical projects.
In 2021, Fer García made the decision to open his own recording studio, Green Farm Recordings, located in the province of Guipúzcoa, Spain. In this studio, he has had the opportunity to work on new works by some of the artists mentioned above, as well as his own solo musical project.
¨Bleak Portrait¨ is Fer García's first solo work, in which he has had the responsibility of writing and recording all the instruments, with the collaboration of Jesús Aramberri on piano and organ in some songs. In addition, Fer García has taken on the task of producing, mixing and mastering the album.
The proposal that Fer García presents in "Bleak Portrait" is a combination of sound sensations, harmonies and textures that transport you to unique places and moments, difficult to describe with words. His musical approach seeks to create an emotional and immersive experience for the listener.
With humility and passion for music, he continues to leave his mark in those works in which he participates. His continuous search for his own sound has led him to experiment, chart his own path and continue growing as a creator.